Since our last update, we have featured two great interviews: one with the Brazilian sociologist Edemilson Paraná who wrote two interesting books, one on the rise of digitized finance and one on Bitcoin. We have also interviewed the economic historian Adam Tooze, who took some of the crypto enthusiasts to task for ignoring the role that "macrofinance" plays in actually backing fiat money. As he told us, "what backs money is the entire gigantic apparatus of macrofinance. It is backed not just by 'everything' but by 'everybody,' or perhaps one should put it more precisely, by 'everyone who is anyone.'"
We have also published an essay about the elusive nature of Web3 penned by Evgeny Morozov.
Most importantly, we have just launched one of our most ambitious initiatives so far: a set of extensive (>500 articles and books) bibliographies covering various aspects of crypto technologies. You can find the full list of our topics - with links to the respective (downloadable) bibliographies! - below.